Inspired by a couple of great gigs by the "Candelo Mafia" - Pete Wild and the Only Ones at Tathra a couple of weeks ago and Michael Menager's CD launch last night - it seems time to reconsider my musical outlook. Time is short!
First thing to do is to update this blog with some songs from the last 6 months or so.
There's a new song collection in the works, and here are a couple of unmastered versions - both linked to our French "home away from home" in Ougney les Champs.
"What Kind Of Men Are They?"
©2015 Neil Porter
I’ve been watching all the news today
Friends and strangers many miles away
I had to turn away I couldn’t look
What kind of men are they?
The world has changed again in just one night
Not much that I can do put things right
I had to turn away I couldn’t look
What kind of men are they?
I just want to know that you’re alright
I don’t understand what all this means
I’m far away from the city of light
Far away from the land of dreams
Now I’ve heard that you are all OK
The world can wake to face another day
I had to turn away I couldn’t look
What kind of men are they?
We’re all walking round on eggshells now
Life goes on, sometimes
I don’t know how
I had to turn away I couldn’t look
What kind of men are they?
"Who Walked These Ancient Trails?" ©2016 Neil Porter
I want to see the picture that you painted - valley red and gold
I want to turn the pages of the stories in the stones
I hear the voices of the people who have walked these paths before
I heard some stories and I want to hear a whole lot more
I’m going where the sun goes down
Go where the south wind blows
Big river calling me
Shake this shadow off my soul
During the countdown
In my mind I’m wondering
Who walked these ancient trails?
I’m missing your town
Something deep inside of me
Something there is calling me
Maybe I’ll see you again - through green and white and red and gold
We’ll share a drink or two - I’ll hear your tales unfold
We’ll walk together - and every step you’ll show me more
But until that time comes - I’ll dream just like before